Family Class

Family Class


Regardless of age or skill level, our family class provides an opportunity for all family members to share quality time, bond, and simultaneously benefit from physical fitness, self-discipline, and teamwork.

In this class, we prioritise the joy of martial arts and the sense of togetherness it fosters. Our sessions are structured to be engaging and enjoyable, ensuring that every family member eagerly anticipates their time on the mat.

Physical fitness is an integral part of our programme, with age-appropriate exercises and training routines tailored to accommodate different fitness levels. Through our classes, each family member can improve their strength, flexibility, and overall fitness.

Beyond physical well-being, martial arts impart essential life skills such as discipline, respect, and self-confidence. These principles are seamlessly integrated into our curriculum, offering valuable lessons that extend beyond the training session.

In today's fast-paced world, finding quality time for family bonding can be a challenge. Our Family Class provides a structured space for families to come together, share experiences, and support each other's growth and development.

Rest assured that our experienced instructors are not only martial arts experts but also adept at working with families. They create a warm and encouraging environment where every family member can feel comfortable and motivated.

Traditional Shotokan Karate's Family Class offers a unique opportunity for families to connect, grow, and enjoy the sport together. Whether you're looking to embark on a new adventure as a family or strengthen your existing bonds, our programme is the perfect choice. Join us today and experience the joy of training, learning, and growing as a family with Traditional Shotokan Karate's Family Class.

Start Your Journey

Embarking on your Traditional Shotokan Karate adventure is as easy as taking the first step: Getting in touch with us. 

You can come on your own or with a family member or friend. We very much welcome all New comers to our Club. 

We welcome both complete beginners or those that are looking to get back into martial arts. .

Whether you have questions about our training, class schedules, or wish to discuss specific training requirements, our dedicated team is here to assist you. We welcome your messages and look forward to helping you.

We Offer Classes to Special Needs Individuals or disabled individuals also 

Contact Us

Waterside Farm Sports Centre, Eversley Leisure Centre, Basildon Sporting Vill
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